Healthy Eating


Buxton House, Yarburgh Road

Alvingham, Nr Louth, Lincs LN11 0QG

Tel 01507 327 395



Reduce Total Fat Intake.

Saturated fat is found in animal products like meat, milk, cheese, butter and cream and in processed foods like cakes, pastry, biscuits and pies. These increase your cholesterol and the risk of CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) and we should eat less of them.

Unsaturated fats may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. They are found in fish, nuts, margarines using sunflower or olive oil. These do not increase you cholesterol  and so you should use these instead of saturated fats where possible.

All fats are high in calories so use them sparingly if you are worried about your weight. Try to grill rather than fry food.

Have plenty of Fruit and Vegetables

These contain antioxidants (vitamins which help to prevent damage to arteries) and fibre. Aim for at least 5 portions a day.  A portion is one large or two small pieces of fruit, a salad, a glass of fruit juice or a dessert spoon of vegetables.

Eat Fish

White fish like cod and herrings is low in fat so is good to have instead of meat. The fat called OMEGA 3 in some fish helps to make the blood less sticky. Aim for a portion a week of mackerel, pilchards, sardines or salmon.

Reduce your Salt intake

White fish like cod and herrings is low in fat so is good to have instead of meat. The fat called OMEGA 3 in some fish helps to make the blood less sticky. Aim for a portion a week of mackerel, pilchards, sardines or salmon.

Moderate alcohol intake

Excess drinking can harm your health but moderate drinking may protect the heart. The recommended maximum limits are 2 – 3 units a day for women and 3 – 4 units a day for men. You should also have at least two days without any alcohol each week.

To give up smoking
Phoenix Smoking Cessation Service

Contact 01522 550681

0800 169 0169

British Heart Foundation has a new ant-smoking microsite to help smokers in their efforts to give up smoking.

Or ring the Smoking Helpline on 0800 169 190