The Heart Support Group in East Lindsey, Lincolnshire exists to support anyone with heart problems and their carers.
The Group was formed in 2003. Group meetings are arranged for each month and have featured a number of eloquent speakers on a wide variety of subjects. Meetings take place on the first Wednesday evening of each month, except for January at 7.30pm at the Thoresby Educational Suite, Louth County Hospital, High Holme Road, Louth , LN11 0EU. A large range of British Heart Foundation booklets are available for members to take.
Membership is free and open to anyone in East Lindsey who has coronary heart disease or other heart problems and their carers. People who are part of the group have found that sharing experiences, anxieties, concerns and progress with others has been invaluable to them. Carers sometimes need as much support as the patients. We aim to provide help for all patients and carers by offering mutual support and shared experiences. Why not come to a meeting and get the support.
On Sunday morning at 11am there are organised walks [supported by qualified walks leaders] which help members keep fit! The walks take place all over the East Lindsey Area. Group members can also take part in Phase 4 cardiac exercises classes weekly and also Tai Chi classes once a week.