

Health and Relaxation Classes

Heart patients and their partners/carers welcome

LFA Tai Chi is a soft gentle health art. With regular practice can benefit people who suffer from conditions such as stress, headaches, ME, arthriris, stiff joints and mobility problems. Tai Chi is suitable for all ages and all you need is to wear loose clothing and flat shoes. Take a look at the Web Site. www.lfataichi.com or contact LFA instuctor Mike Turner on 01472 6022

 Trinity Church, Eastgate Louth LN11 8DJ

                        Tuesday 9.30am – 11am

                   Cost only £5 a session

What people say

This has brought great enjoyment and fitness to both body and mind.

Roger from Manby

All patients improve their general health from his method of teaching and enjoy being part of a friendly group.

Jean from Woodhall Spa.

Gives a lot of people hope for a better healthier future.

Daffyd from Willoughby.